Admission is based solely on need, regardless of religion, age, sex, race or other distinctions. Each resident must be under the care of a certified home healthcare agency for proper medical care and case management. A prospective resident currently living in Genesee or surrounding counties may apply at any time. Crossroads House is able to provide for up to two residents at a time.
Crossroads House will provide each resident with a loving, warm home and excellent care and support. We look at the family's ability to give adequate 24-hour care, whether their needs are physical, emotional or spiritual. We will provide care to those dying individuals with a prognosis occurring from within a few days to three months. The resident will be provided with personalized care free of charge.
We offer a comfort ministry to no more than two residents at a time, along with their family members. Crossroads House will provide family conferences every two weeks or as needed to keep the family or primary caregiver updated on residents and assess the family or primary caregiver coping abilities and provide guidance as necessary.
Crossroads House will provide each resident with a loving, warm home and excellent care and support. We look at the family's ability to give adequate 24-hour care, whether their needs are physical, emotional or spiritual. We will provide care to those dying individuals with a prognosis occurring from within a few days to three months. The resident will be provided with personalized care free of charge.
We offer a comfort ministry to no more than two residents at a time, along with their family members. Crossroads House will provide family conferences every two weeks or as needed to keep the family or primary caregiver updated on residents and assess the family or primary caregiver coping abilities and provide guidance as necessary.
"It is our hope that as we walk with you during this part of life’s journey, the stress and anxiety for the whole family can be diminished. Life is precious to us and we appreciate your trust in us as we care for you as a family."
Expectations for the Family
Crossroads House expects the family to provide food for the resident, either in the form of the food or funds with which our volunteers may shop for the resident. Crossroads may ask family to pick up medication for your loved one from the pharmacy. In rare instances due to circumstances beyond our control (weather, sickness, holidays, etc.) Crossroads may not be able to provide the second volunteer for a four hour shift. At this time we will need the family to provide care for your loved one for that particular time period.
For Crossroads House Families
Crossroads House is a unique “Comfort Home for the Dying” dedicated to providing support and care for a person in the last phase of a life-limiting illness. We serve as an alternative living arrangement for those who are no longer able to be cared for in there own home and offer quality time with each resident. We desire the family’s involvement and support in order to be fully effective in this unique ministry.
Comfort care does not cure, or change the course of the terminal illness. We do not use intravenous fluids, feeding tubes or resuscitation. The family and resident need to agree that they desire only pain management and symptom control.
Ours is a community outreach ministry, which provides palliative (comfort) care for those beyond curative or aggressive treatment. The resident maintains control and is assisted through this time of transition. We are there to support, so as to decrease the stress and anxiety of the residents and their families.
Crossroads House is a short-term program, normally three months or less. If a remission in the terminal nature of the disease should occur, the resident will be re-evaluated as to their need for continued comfort care at Crossroads House. At that time we may request that you seek other suitable long-term placement.
Staff is composed of End of Life Caregivers, aides and trained volunteers. There is always an End of Life Caregiver on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It takes approximately 60 volunteers a week to fill the schedule. They are men and women from the community who are expected to do the types of things you, the family, might do to assist with care of your loved one. (Prepare simple meals, change linens, chat and provide companionship, bathing, oral care, administering medications, etc.) They are not nursing personnel, but are dedicated selfless volunteers trained to ensure a quality of life for your loved one.
Because Crossroads House is a respite for the terminally ill, we encourage open conversation about the condition of the resident and encourage the family to participate in dialogue so they know that their loved one’s needs and wishes are met.
Comfort care does not cure, or change the course of the terminal illness. We do not use intravenous fluids, feeding tubes or resuscitation. The family and resident need to agree that they desire only pain management and symptom control.
Ours is a community outreach ministry, which provides palliative (comfort) care for those beyond curative or aggressive treatment. The resident maintains control and is assisted through this time of transition. We are there to support, so as to decrease the stress and anxiety of the residents and their families.
Crossroads House is a short-term program, normally three months or less. If a remission in the terminal nature of the disease should occur, the resident will be re-evaluated as to their need for continued comfort care at Crossroads House. At that time we may request that you seek other suitable long-term placement.
Staff is composed of End of Life Caregivers, aides and trained volunteers. There is always an End of Life Caregiver on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It takes approximately 60 volunteers a week to fill the schedule. They are men and women from the community who are expected to do the types of things you, the family, might do to assist with care of your loved one. (Prepare simple meals, change linens, chat and provide companionship, bathing, oral care, administering medications, etc.) They are not nursing personnel, but are dedicated selfless volunteers trained to ensure a quality of life for your loved one.
Because Crossroads House is a respite for the terminally ill, we encourage open conversation about the condition of the resident and encourage the family to participate in dialogue so they know that their loved one’s needs and wishes are met.